Nerea Ruiz Fuente holds an Undergraduate Degree in Environmental Sciences and a Master in Environmental Contamination and Toxicology from the University of the Basque Country.
Currently, Nerea is the Senior Head of Eco-Design Programmes at ECOS, a network of 49 national and international environmental NGOs headquartered in Brussels. ECOS is the only environmental organisation that specialises in standardisation and is a member of European and international committees (CEN, CENELEC, ISO, and IEC), while aiming to defend environmental interests in development processes for standards, technical regulations, and political strategies in a wide range of areas—from climate change, clean energy systems, eco-design, and material efficiency to the circular economy. Additionally, ECOS is a member of the European Commission’s Ecodesign and Energy Labelling Consultation Forum, in representation of civil society. Nerea also participates in several European projects relating with compliance and market oversight for regulations on ecodesign and energy labelling.
Having been trained on eco-design in Germany and Bilbao, she has also worked as a project technician for waste policies, sustainable public procurement, and on the Biosphere Reserve Conservation Programme for UNESCO.